Wasserstoff  Magnetmotor



Free Energy Overview

On the one hand, free energy is energy that is free of costs, i.e. can be obtained from a freely available source by means of a device. Unfortunately, very few people don't know enough about it, or that this technology really exists and works. There are machines that are able, in layman's terms, to extract pure energy from "the air" with an antenna. In the past, it was known that the empty space must be filled with something, but it could not be practically proven. There was talk of "ether" and "tachyons". Today we have another name for it: quantum!


Through quantum fluctuation in a space vacuum, it is possible to generate energy. The discoverer was Nicola Tesla, by far the greatest genius of all time. You don't learn much about Tesla himself at school, and even in the libraries you can only find books about his basic inventions, without which, however, nothing would be as it is today. No economy in this form, no computers, no radio, nothing would be as it is.

What is even worse - if Tesla's inventions regarding the production of free energy had been used, instead of burning the natural deposits of oil and coal etc. for profit, we could live in a true paradise today! But as we all know, the world we live in is ruled by money, which is actually worthless. Besides, in every leadership position there are people who make some important decisions. Again, these individuals are just puppets of much more powerful individuals.

Nicola Tesla

Tesla was firmly convinced that there was an energy field in and around the earth that could be tapped to generate electrical energy. He succeeded in providing experimental evidence for this. Since Tesla was almost 100 years ahead of its time, the significance of its achievement can only be properly appreciated today. Unfortunately, discoveries like these have been erased from the history books so that it does not become known that the whole of humanity is being lied to in order to generate trillions of dollars with the supposedly necessary burning of fuels of all kinds, in internal combustion engines and through the extremely dangerous nuclear fission with its known and fatal consequences. The result is that the poor are getting poorer and poorer, and millions of innocent people have already died, and the environment is being destroyed.


Just imagine if the government of an industrialized country could no longer levy a mineral oil tax if Tesla's inventions and their further developments were applied! That would be part of the end of the super-rich and the beginning of general prosperity. Morgan ordered the Colorado Springs facilities to be departed immediately. That was in 1899. It was not until 1931 that Tesla was able to realize the operation of an automobile by gravity-field-energy. In 1930, Tesla had his nephew Petar Savo, who was born in Yugoslavia in 1899, come to New York. So Petar was 43 years younger than his uncle. Until then, he had lived in poor conditions in Yugoslavia, Tesla's country of birth. In the summer of 1931, Tesla took his nephew to Buffalo to unveil and test what he said was a new car. Tesla had developed it from private funds. It was a Pierce-Arrow, a luxury model of the time.



The engine had been removed, but the clutch, gearbox and axle transmission to the rear wheels remained unchanged. The petrol engine had been replaced by a round, all-round electric motor about 1 m long and 65 cm in diameter, with a cooling propeller at the front. It is said to have been a collectorless motor. Tesla was unwilling to say who made the engine. The "energy absorber" (heavy power field energy converter) had been produced by Tesla itself. The housing of this converter had the dimensions of approximately 60 x 25 x 15 cm. This was mounted in front of the dashboard. Among other things, the converter contained 12 tubes, 3 of which were type 70. A powerful antenna of about 1.80 m in length protruded from the housing of the converter.


In addition, 2 thick rods protruded about 10 cm from the housing of the converter. Tesla shoved it in and said, "Now we have energy." The engine then ran at a maximum speed of 1800 rpm. Tesla said it was running quite hot, so the wind fan was necessary. By the way, the energy from the converter is strong enough that it could light up an entire house in addition to the car engine. The car was tested for over a week and easily reached a considerable speed of 90 miles per hour. Its performance data were at least the same as those of a comparable car with a petrol engine. At a traffic light, a passer-by pointed out that no exhaust fumes were coming out of the exhaust.


To which Petar replied: "Because we don't have an engine". The car was parked on a farm about 20 miles outside of Buffalo, near Niagara Falls. A few months after this attempt, the Pierce-Arrow company in Buffalo had to cease production due to the economic crisis of the time. It is very likely that the flange of the electric motor to the gearbox was done there.

Tesla apparently knew that this construction was indigestible for the technical terminology of the time. In this way, he avoided any confrontation with engineers, educational scientists or companies, with very few exceptions. It was not until 16 September 1967 that aircraft engineer Derek Ahlers in New York took stock of all available information. The Experimental Vehicle built by Tesla in 1931 already gives an idea of what a future car with advanced technology could look like. The result would be minimal operating costs, unlimited range and absolutely no environmental impact in any form.

A dream come true. This technology could be used in all areas. And now look at our world. What the creators who pull the strings make of it. Millions of people could live a life worth living, where they are now starving or freezing to death. Everyone is only interested in money everywhere you look. Very few people know the truth. Not a drop of gasoline would have to be bought for expensive money, no exhaust fumes would pollute the planet. There are more and more diseases due to the poisoning and pollution caused by the exhaust fumes of this false technology.


What about the countless accidents involving tankers at sea? The horrific damage we are causing is nothing more than an issue for the controlled media. What about nuclear power? The disposal of the fuel rods of a nuclear power plant is nothing more than a perverse contamination of our planet. The radiation will only subside after more than ten thousand years, but it will not disappear completely until then.


This alone shows that we think too little about the consequences of our actions and not necessarily about future generations. Chernobyl, too, would never have been the site of one of the greatest catastrophes of mankind. In the months after the disaster, so-called "liquidators" (soldiers, students and volunteers) came to Chernobyl, who decontaminated the power plant, eliminated other sources of danger and finally rebuilt the sarcophagus that today surrounds the exploded 4th block.

The figures for the number of people deployed vary between 600,000 and 1.2 million people. It is just as difficult to draw a (preliminary) balance of victims. Rather, most deaths are due to the long-term effects of radiation, for example cancer, immunodeficiency diseases ("Chernobyl-AIDS"), thus also cardiovascular diseases and depression, or suicide. Depending on the point of view of the observers, the figures for all Chernobyl victims today fluctuate between 10,000 and over 250,000!

You'll never want to find out exactly. Especially since all over Europe, especially in the most affected areas in Belarus and Ukraine, "innocent bystanders" are still dying today from the consequential damage of Chernobyl. In particular, cancer and infant mortality rates are rising explosively in the heavily irradiated areas. The medical condition of the children who grow up on irradiated soils is massively appalling. And these consequences will not be limited to today's generations, as most people know or can imagine. These are certainly only a few of the avoidable consequences that arise from the suppression and the attempts at secrecy, and unfortunately will still happen.

It is so sad how man, or rather the self-proclaimed rulers, let this beautiful planet, together with its living beings, go down the drain for profit. Instead of using clean and free energies to defeat hunger in the world, among other things, the representatives of the states responsible for this deplorable state of affairs are meeting to discuss again and not to act. The list could go on for miles at this point, but surely the attentive reader will come up with some other things at this point at the latest. Almost everything bad in this world is the result of the uneven distribution and the greed for profit and power of the super-rich, who thus also control the governments.

The responsible and manipulating persons are vigilant and make sure that the technical state develops absolutely in their interest, whereby the word "developed" is definitely wrong and obviously represents the opposite. The real horror for the group, which is not a theory but reality, is the beneficial development and modification of technology for the benefit of humanity, which were developed by geniuses like Tesla or Schauberger and are just waiting to be used. Again and again there were developments and inventions in relation to free energy production, which were not in the interest of the group, because they brought too great advantages and independence to man.

People should not be too comfortable! The more he has to work to maintain his existence, the more dependent he becomes on the satanic and ruling power of these groups. Examples such as the introduction of the euro are also helpful, which led to the fact that you now have to pay double the price for most products and no longer earn a cent. With more and more debts and worries, there is no more time to think about the causes and about such important things, and even more importantly, not to act as a result.


But what happened? Clean and free energy for all people? That was not to be! The groups therefore intervened immediately. Free energy for every consumer, the best beneficial technical developments! They didn't agree with that. This would jeopardize their intentions of immeasurable material enrichment and their development of power. Billions can only be amassed with a technology that has been painstakingly built with many difficulties.

The attack on Tesla targeted a sore spot, its finances. Since he never regarded his inventions as a source of profit and did not even patent many of his inventions because he had long since had new visions, he was always reliant on large loans. These were then abruptly blocked from him. Its laboratories, experimental stations and technical facilities were damaged or destroyed by saboteurs.


Tesla was soon ruined, unable to work, and defamed by the whole world. He died on January 7, 1943, poor and broken, in the Hotel New York. But Tesla wasn't the last to have such ideas. He was probably one or the first victim of the group, others followed him. It is necessary that a rethink takes place. Everyone has the power to make a difference, even if it's just by spreading this knowledge to friends, acquaintances or strangers.

In 1902, the New York Times reported on a man from the Canary Islands named Clemente Figueras, who is said to have invented a generator that did not require primary power.


John Ernst Worrell Kelly
(1827 – 1898)

He worked with sound and other forms of vibration to set machines in motion. He built a machine that penetrated rock by dissolving the stone. His invention seemed to melt the rock as fast as he could move his device forward. And it released the energy contained in the water in a similar way to what today's scientists do. In this process, small bubbles are created in the water by sound waves and energy is released when the bubbles implode.



Wasserstoff  Magnetmotor

Observers saw Keely's device, which the inventor called the "Liberator," release energy and use it to power a motor. Among other things, Keely discovered more than 40 basic laws of nature.

Walter Russel (1871 – 1963)
He, too, was able to capture space energy through a generator. He called this device "Optical Dynamo Generator". In 1961, this generator is said to have worked. Senior officers of NORAD (North American Air Defense Command) were present at this demonstration. However, no one seemed to care. Thomas Henry Moray (1892 – 1974) followed Tesla's trail and invented a "radiant energy device" that converted space energy into usable energy.

In 1939, Walter Russell operated a self-built device with a usable output power of 50 kilowatts or 50,000 watts. With this device, he was able to reliably pump out space energy. He was repeatedly harassed over the next few years. Among other things, he and his wife were shot. So he had to buy a bulletproof car.

Lester Henderson (1898-1961), in his search for a new compass, found a way to extract energy from the Earth's magnetic field through conversion. He was knocked out of the race by an energy company. This group succeeded in obtaining an undertaking from Henderson that condemned him to secrecy. It is assumed that he later died as a result of foreign violence. He died from car exhaust fumes in his garage. His death was declared a suicide.


Victor Schauberger
(1885 - 1958)


Austrian forester, Victor Schauberger, who succeeded in discovering energy spirals in the water through intensive observation of the water. He created what he called "living machines." His motto was: "Understand nature and copy it!" He was pressured by the German Nazis and forced to work for them. In 1958, he was invited by an American corporation to travel to America to demonstrate his invention.

The consortium then promised him that they would use his invention to apply it. He was deceived. However, his implosion generator disappeared into the consortium's drawers. Schauberger died of a broken heart 5 days after returning from the States.

Wilhelm Reich (1897 – 1957) and the "orgone engine". Wilhelm Reich first found the free energies in living organisms, hence the name "ORGONE". Reich used his devices in physical therapy. He was banned from working in 1954; his books were burned by the FDA (Food and Drag Administration). He was sentenced to two years in prison and eventually died in prison in 1957.

"Various circles and power groups" know very well: If humanity had unlimited energy at its disposal, it would be virtually impossible to dominate, oppress and manipulate the peoples and nations of the Earth. Even wars would no longer have a breeding ground!

With "free energy", no one is dependent on those who could control mobility by cutting back on petrol. One could live virtually anywhere, as a freely available supply of energy could be used to make any environment habitable. Water could, if necessary, be removed from the air by condensation; and water could be used to irrigate fields and grow food.


A country with limitless energy at its disposal could synthesize everything, including the chemical elements; therefore, due to the lack of dependence on energy resources, such a country would no longer be subject to international power and profit politics. Free energy equals natural freedom!

Dr. Moray B. King aus Utah


He wrote one of the first books to explain the existence of space energy. He is probably considered one of the pioneers of today's movement. He held conferences in which he presented his "New Energy Technologies" in presentations. Dr. Harald Putthoff of the Institute of Advanced Studies in Austin, Texas is an important theorist of space energy theses.


Thomas Bearden of Huntsville, Alabama, has found a way to explain how "space energy can work according to the laws of physics." In the following, I show a few examples of many in which space energy or zero-point energy can be harnessed.

"Solid State" – Energy Devices.


Ken Shoulder's "charge cluster" is supposedly based on a simple idea. A cluster of 100 million densely clustered electrons, where an electron is the part of an atom that orbits the nucleus. Shoulders seems to have succeeded in creating conditions under which electrons detach from the atomic nucleus and join together to form remarkably stable, small ring-shaped clusters.

"It's the craziest electronic effect you can imagine," says Shoulders, who describes his creations as "little machines of tremendous complexity" that simply can't be "killed." A patent was granted in 1991. It is entitled: "Energy conversion using high charge density"

John Hutchinson of Vancover has built devices that use crystals, including crystals extracted from ordinary stones, to capture space energy.

Solid State Magnets:


Floyd "Sparky" Sweet is considered a pioneer of "solid state magnets". Sweet, who died in 1995, built the "vacuum triode amplifier" in which magnets served as a gateway through which space energy could flow. This made it possible to use this energy as a source of power. Shortly before his death, at the age of 83, he reported that the automotive industry was testing his energy device for use in cars. "You would have a device that would run for 5000 hours." He said he was negotiating with representatives of General Motors. No one has been able to confirm this claim. Other inventors and designers are trying to continue his work today.


Bruce de Palma

The brother of the "Scarface director" Brian de Palma, a respected faculty member of the "MIT" (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) with an engineering degree. Trained in electrical engineering and a Harvard graduate in applied physics, he turned to meditation, among other things. One day he thought about what he had played with as a child. He had never understood why, for example, a spinning top behaves the way it does. His idea came out of the blue.


"Maybe the rotation of a gyroscope wheel was somehow directed towards space, around a rotating body, such as the Earth?" In the course of his experiments, he experimented with ball bearings and found that it was probable that these ball bearings, which he catapulted upwards in a rotating manner, absorbed space energy as they rotated. In his "N-machine" he used strong magnets. With this machine, space energy could also be used to perform work on Earth. Because he was blocked in the States, he moved to Australia, and from there to New Zealand.

Bertil Werjefelt


Bertil Werjefelt is an aviation safety consultant in his adopted home of Hawaii. He worked for several years on a "magnetic energy device". A representative of the "SUMITOMO Society" then said: "This could be the most significant discovery of this century!" Its development is similar to the N-machine developed by de Palma. However, after he was rejected by the Americans, the doors opened for him on the Asian continent. The Japanese expressed their interest. The Japanese are proving to be "cosmopolitan and supportive" of these new technologies at the same time. It is also due to the fact that they have little or no mineral resources of their own based on fossil fuels, and thus have little economic interest in opposing these new technologies.


Wasserstoff  Magnetmotor


Dr. Shiuji Inmota

is working in Japan on a machine called "JPI", which uses magnets to harness the resulting space energy. Dr. Paramahasama Tewari from India is in an unusual position: during his working hours, he works in a nuclear power plant in India. In his spare time, however, he builds his "space energy generator".


His Tewaris prototype SPG can be considered a major breakthrough! In Japan, the development of cold fusion is referred to as "hydrogen energy" and soberly regarded as merely a new branch of physics. But here, too, "cold fusion" is met with skeptics. However, the belief of some scientists that "space energy" plays a role in "cold fusion" sounds much more likely.

Wasserstoff / Elektrolyse / Kalte Fusion

Since hydrogen can be extracted from water, even a country that has few lakes and rivers would never have to fight for energy supplies as long as it borders an ocean. Francisco Pacheco (1914-1992) His life was changed by a "match". This match caused bubbles of water to explode that had formed in a glass. Pacheco built a hydrogen generator, which he used to power an 8-meter boat in Point Pleasant, New Jersey. His work was also ignored.

As a teenager, Roger Billings converted a breed mower that he then wanted to run on hydrogen. Unfortunately, the mixture did not ignite in the piston, but in the supply line. He and his brother narrowly escaped with their lives. In the years to come, however, he continued to develop this technology until it was ready for series production. Billings also claimed that the hydrogen fuel cells used by Daimler Benz AG (now Daimler-Chrysler) were based on his foundations. He, too, has been defrauded by corporations. Today, despite all resistance, he continues to pursue his developments.

Energy from temperature differences.


There are numerous efforts to harness energies from temperatures. For example, warm wastewater from factories or heat from the ground can be captured.

Dr. Harold Aspden



Dr. Harold Aspden, a British physicist, is working with John Scott Strachan from Scotland on a device that uses heat to generate electricity. The so-called "Strachan-Aspden device". However, these technologies prove to be only suitable to a limited extent and cannot be described as "in sync with nature". The situation is different with the use of hydropower in connection with the natural cycle. These technologies do not include dams or tidal power plants.

These technologies interrupt the natural cycles and prevent the establishment of a "natural balance". (Victor Schauberger is the most famous of these pioneers).

Barry Davis, a world-class engineer and designer. Davis and his Nova Energy Ltd developed the Davis Hydro Turbine, which uses running water to generate energy, unlike conventional hydroelectric power plants.

A concept is in preparation or ready in the Philippines. China and Nepal have already committed to a small-scale hydropower program. Nova is also taking care of a generator project for the Government of India.

William Baumgartiner from New Mexico has developed an implosion generator based on the principles of Victor Schauberger. Wilhelm Mohorn, like Schauberger also Austrian, discovered his "magnetokinesis" out of the misery of his rusty drum set in his basement.



He developed a device that allowed him to remove moisture from old buildings. He uses space energies to make this possible. He knew that water molecules can be directed or oriented by certain energy fields. His "Aquapol device" is now a globally sought-after device, which has been sold and used thousands of times. So far, it has saved numerous ancient buildings from certain decay.


It does not require electricity, but works solely through "space energy", "capillary forces" and "magnetokinesis". It has a European patent, an "EMC test report" from TÜV Rheinland, its inventor Wilhelm Mohorn is a recipient of the "Kaplan Medal for Basic Research" and much more.



Wilhelm Mohorn


In the meantime, Mohorn and his technicians have found a way to make spatial energy physically explainable. Johann Grander works with magnetic forces and water. Its "living water" increases quality of life and fights diseases. He also developed a magnetic motor that works without a battery connection or any other power source.

Methernitha Is a community of life on a spiritual basis. Their energy production is based on rotating electrostatic discs and fixed magnets and wire coils.




The discs can be set in motion and started by hand. You don't need an additional power source. In total, "Methernitha" will have four of these generators in operation, which will run constantly and deliver ten to twelve kilowatts.


The Community categorically refuses to publish the testimonies of the technology for fear of abuse of power by the arms industry. Above all, they believe that man must first learn to live in peace with one another in order to reach maturity for this precious gift of the Creator. The sensitivity and the willingness not to always draw from the full helps us to become familiar with the resources of free energy.




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