Energie Lösungen



Wasserstoff  Magnetmotor


A system that provides free electricity!


A magnet generator is basically a free electricity generator in operation. It produces excess usable energy indefinitely, runs on its own, without a third-party device or other supply.

This generator generates excess energy, up to five times the amount of energy needed to operate. These energy devices have been and continue to be suppressed or kept secret by corporations because such devices promote people's independence. If all people could produce their own energy, then eventually the big energy companies would be shut down because people will no longer need it. There are alternatives here, firstly to no longer have to pay for electricity or fuel and not to ruin our only basis of life, planet Earth and its nature, and thus also ourselves.

Of course, all free energy devices, as well as the energy generator based on Bedini principles, have to be rethought and you should not assume that you have a machine in front of you, into which you simply plug in a mains plug after commissioning to receive electric current as usual. The energy generated should be stored in batteries according to the principle of intermediate storage and the subsequent clamping process with a converter, which then provides the house voltage. If you supply your home with the recommended energy-saving light bulbs and appliances, you will quickly find out where the limit is when it comes to withdrawal and how you have to deal with your system so that you can use it sensibly for all your consumers.

This method has been researched and used for a long time, but due to the suppression of these ideas by the big energy corporations and governments around the world, only a few people know about it. The plans to build an energy generator that could change society have always been hidden from us. With the construction of the generator, you will be able to generate electrical energy completely free of charge, which means obtaining surplus energy without using any renewable or non-renewable energy.

Without solar energy, thermal energy, hydropower, coal, oil or any kind of fossil fuels including nuclear energy. This generator is self-sufficient through its excess output of electrical current and works indefinitely if set up correctly, resulting in a steady accumulation of usable energy that you can temporarily store to supply your consumers directly or by converting the voltage.

The generator works in every home and requires only a small amount of space. Depending on the use case and consumer selection or configuration, you can significantly reduce or even completely eliminate your electricity bill. Works in heat or cold without any problems.

The materials needed to build the generator are inexpensive and easily accessible anywhere in the world, including via the Internet. However, your local hardware dealer should be able to procure all the necessary parts or have them in stock. If you are a hobbyist and electronics technician, there are certainly enough alternatives to make or modify some parts yourself. Even before there was high-tech, clever minds built such machines with simple means, so in today's world with the current possibilities, it should basically be possible for everyone.

The e-book also contains a chapter on the background and history of the energy process, including other alternative ways to grab usable energy from the environment, ether, quanta, etc. and use it sensibly. Question: Is such a magnet generator safe?

Answer: A magnet generator is safe, easy to operate and operate. It does not produce any harmful products, gases or noise, nor is there any danger to the generator itself. Even if you have small children in your family, they are free to roam around the generator.

No harmful radiation or other health impairments when used, even over a long period of time. Of course, you can also set up the finished device in an empty wardrobe, for example, if you think this is safer or if you don't want to put the device on public display, which sometimes has its reasons. The generator is therefore also a very environmentally friendly solution, it is completely safe.

Question: How much does the construction manual of the energy generator including other energy solutions cost?

Answer: Our generator building instructions are available today for 12.95 -. €uro available. All the components you need cost less than €100. The materials needed are easy to obtain, some of which can be made by yourself, or purchased from your local hardware store and electronics store.

Our guide includes English-language instructions that are very easy to follow. The circuits are listed internationally according to the electrical standard and the mechanical part of the device is usually easy to understand and therefore no problem for most people as a replica.
How much can you save with a generator?

Of course, the money you can save with the Energy Generator varies depending on the case. If you decide to build the generator as an addition to your current electrical installation, savings to supply the household can be in the range of 30-50%.

This means that your electricity bill could be reduced by 30-50%, provided that your consumers have been adapted to the system as necessary to achieve the same benefits, while still generating electricity for free to save money and reduce the burden on the environment, or simply to be independent.

Create your own magnet generator with step by step instructions, to generate electrical energy for free use.


Content of the English manual with 124 pages:


How to Reduce Energy Consumption
Stand By Energy Consumption Charts:
Grid Systems
Portable Power Source System
Grid-Intertie Power Source System
Grid-intertie Power System With Backup Battery
Off Grid Power System
The Units of the System
Array DC Disconnect
Charge Controller
Deep Cycle Battery
System Meter
Main DC Disconnect
Gas Powered Generator
AC Breaker Panel
Electric Generator
Needed Material
Where to Get This Materials From
Components of the Generator
The Core
The Magnets
The Rotor
The Battery
Attaching Magnets to Wheel
The Coil
Filling the Core
Soldering the Circuit
Operation Instructions
Turning the Motor On
Characterizing the Window of Operation
One Input, Four Output, Rotate One

Solar Panels
Free Solar Panels
Discounted Solar Panels
Constructing a Solar Panel
Needed Materials
Solar Cells
Constructing the Frame
Connecting the Solar Cells
Serial Connection
Parallel Connection
Connecting the Cells in Series
Finishing the Solar Panel
Using and Maintenance

Wind Turbines
Needed Materials for the Wind Turbine
DC Power Motor
Tower for Wind Turbine
Rotor Blades
Building a Wind Turbine
Constructing the Blades
The Hub
Balancing the blades and hub
Mounting the Hub with the Blades on the Shaft
The Axis

Solar Air Heater
Before Building the Solar Air Heater
Building a Solar Air Heater

Building a Solar Water Heater
Using the Solar Water Heater
Minimizing Our Oil Dependency
Free Energy Generators on a Larger Scale





Capacitors Recharge

Themselves 10 pages






Pulse-Charging Battery

Systems 30 pages



Permanent magnet motor-generator

Ron Pugh’s Charger

Bedini Charging Systems

Bedini Circuit, other Circuits

Energy From The Vacuum

The Relay Coil Variation

Computer Cooling Fan Pulse Charger

Car Relay Charger

Relay Charging Systems

Self-Charging Motor

Ron Cole One-Battery Switch

The Tesla Switch



all together
12,95 -. €uro

with 124 pages



Capacitors Recharge

Themselves 10 pages



Systems 30 pages



Some customer response.


Andy, USA

Thanks to the simplicity of the concept behind the generator system, the generator is not expensive and relative simple to build. When I tested the system before writing you, my wife and I each constructed a generator. Each generator was capable of providing enough of the power for more than half of our home. We both had no problems following the construction process and parts of the generators cost less than $100 to build, including all the needed supplies.

Andy USA

Josef, Schweiz

Zuerst einmal ein Danke an Ihre Broschüre zur alternativen Energiegewinnung. Trotz Anfänglicher Bedenken habe ich mich doch entschlossen dieser Sache auf den Grund zu gehen. Ein Geschäftskollege und ich haben dann zusammen nach Ihrer Anleitung ein kleines Modell nachgebaut. Wir konnten es kaum fassen daß es wirklich funktioniert, genau so wie in der Anleitung beschrieben. Das ist die Loesung für saubere und kostenlose Energie.

Josef Schirmli, Zürich - Schweiz


Hello from Preston - UK
It has been approximately 5 weeks since I've implemented the generator. I have noticed significant charging on my batteries and savings on my power bill with the installation. So far in the 3 months I've been using it, the generator has paid for itself. My brother didn't think this could work. I'm planning on building a Generator for him too.

Glynne Stratford, Preston - UK


Cregg and Betty, Canada

Well, what I read on your site is true, this magnetic generator system looks similar to one, I build already and was from the bedini circuit.

Of course, we need some buffer battery and if we get enough so we can use it for household electricity but not a washing machine. For example, we use as combination also solar panels and it is enough for a freeze, light, tv, computer and other things.


Zitate: "To build FREE energy devices have been past suppressed by big authorities, cause such devices would allow everybody to get own FREE energy and also You won't need to pay anymore for electricity!!" Thank you for publishing this information, because it give us the necessary information to bring our dream to reality! Since many years we was study in this field of FREE energy and how to get them. Now we use this system and cut down really our electric bills! And never there is a power cut, like in the stormy winter days or failure at the power plant. FREE and absolutely clean energy to save our planet!

Cregg and Betty


Janett Hutchins, Norfolk
I was concerned if I would be able to do this, but it turned out to be straight-forward to do! Thanks for this manual, most important of all IT REALLY WORKS and I had tons of fun doing it. Thank you.

Janet Hutchins


John from Cambodia

Hello and thank you for your cooperation. When I get your Manual I expect that the Generator Plan was similar to Bedini, a Magnet Generator I build already and it works for charging 32 Car Batteries. Best regards.

John Ellis


Hello from Hereford, Texas
Yes! - I have to be honest, I think you really are on top with this technology. I wonder why isn't everyone using this?

Alex Kirkham


Cristian von Stuttgart

Hallo, ich beschäftige mich schon seit einiger Zeit mit alternativer Energiegewinnung. Da ich auf dem Land lebe bietet sich eine eigene Stromversorgung besonders an. Ich habe meinen Haushalt komplett auf 12V Gleichstrom mit Konvertern für 220V umgestellt. Da ich auch mit Solarpaneels Strom für meine Akkupacks 5x100 AH gewinne und diverse Erdbatterien in dem System integriert habe fehlte mir nur noch eine Möglichkeit auch ohne Sonneneinstrahlung meine Batterien ausreichend zu laden. Das änderte sich dann mit Ihrem Generator Manual. Theoretisch könnte ich jetzt auf die Paneels und die Erdbatterien verzichten, da der Magnet Generator 24 Stunden meine Batterien lädt.


Daher kann ich nun meine Solarzellen und andere Freie Energie Geräte dafür einsetzen Hydrogen, bzw. Browngas zum Heizen, kochen oder zum Schweissen herzustellen. Auch speisen wir die elektrischen Weidezeune mit dieser Freien Energie. Da die von Ihnen vorgestellte Apparatur mit zusätzlichen Spulen bzw. Magneten einfach erweiterbar ist, spiele ich mit dem Gedanken für meinen nächsten Nachbau eine grössere Kapazität zu erreichen. Wenn die Schaltung soweit geändert wird, dass der Energiezuführende Akku automatisch mit einem bereits vollen Akku gewechselt werden kann, wenn seine Kapazität abnimmt, ist die Anlage im Grunde wartungsfrei, bis auf die Kontrolle des Flüssigkeits Standes in den Akkus. Tolle Sache!



all together
12,95 -. €uro

with 124 pages



Capacitors Recharge

Themselves 10 pages



Systems 30 pages